Month: February 2025

Wagstrom Keeping Air in Connecticut Classrooms Safe with $11.5M in Funding from the State

WagstromUniversity of Connecticut‘s Indoor Air Quality Initiative, where Professor Kristina Wagstrom is a co-collaborator, just secured $11.5M from the state to bring DIY “Corsi-Rosenthal” air purifiers to all Connecticut public school classrooms. Developed from $60 worth of materials, these purifiers can reduce airborne viruses by over 99% in just an hour—improving health, attendance, and even academic performance. Also, recently published collaborative research findings by UConn and Arizona State University also show that DIY air purifiers work better than commercial HEPA air cleaners for a fraction of the cost.

On October 22 the State Bond Commission in Connecticut approved funding for the UConn Indoor Air Quality Initiative to administer and implement the purchase of equipment and materials for the construction and installation of individual classroom air purifiers. The state funding awarded to UConn will be part of SAFE-CT: Supplemental Air Filtration for Education Supplemental under the Clean Air Equity Response Program.

This initiative brings together UConn Neag School of Education, UConn College of Engineering, UConn School of Nursing, UConn School of Medicine, and UConn Health to connect communities with low-cost and accessible public health solutions. We’re incredibly proud of Dr. Wagstrom and the UConn Team for their support in public health and environmental safety.

Read more on UConn Today.