UConn President, CT Clean Energy Fund Professor of Sustainable Energy
Ph.D., University of Kyoto, Japan
Current Research
- Thin film and nanomaterials technology development
- Fuel cells and batteries
- Hydrogen generation
- Nanomaterials and thin film coating
- Ceramic processing
- Gasification and biofuels
Professional Activities
Member: American Chemical Society
Member: Materials Research Society
Member: Metal Science and Technology Society of Japan
Member: Kyoto Energy-Environmental Research Association
Member: Electrochemical Society (International)
Member: American Ceramic Society
Member: American Association for the Advancement of Science
Member: International Institute for the Science of Sintering
Co-Editor: PEM Fuel Cell Electrocatalysts and Catalyst Layers
Current Research Group
Ph.D. Students |
M.S. Students | ||
Ryan Ouimet
Thomas Ebaugh Ummay Habiba Jiale Xing Zhiqiao Zeng Evangelos Stefanidis Piyush Jibhakate |
Alanna Gado |
Research Statement
Development of improved materials and processing techniques for the manufacture of fuel cells
A major focus of my research activities has been on improving the performance to cost ratio of fuel cell materials and components and development of low temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC), both through changes to microstructure and composition of the materials and components, and to the manufacturing processes used to produce them. Low-temperature (LT) SOFC’s, aiming for operating temperatures of 550-650°C, are desirable for reducing the cost of applied materials, shorting start-up time and increasing lifetime for SOFC’s. The key obstacles of the development of these LT SOFC’s are high ohmic resistance and high electrode overpotentials, resulting in low power output density. I developed approaches to overcome these problems. The first is to reduce the electrode polarization resistance by using Co-rich perovskite materials, like La0.6Sr0.4CoO3 (LSC) or SSCO as cathode. The second approach is to introduce a thin and dense CGO-barrier layer between this cathode and the thin 8YSZ electrolyte. The third method is the modification of the fabrication process of the anode substrate, aiming for controlled microstructure with high porosity. A major component of this research theme has been the development of new manufacturing processes for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) components that can potentially lower the cost of the materials and processing when compared to traditional fabrication techniques. These processes are primarily based on thin film technologies such as reactive spray deposition technology (RSDT), PVD and plasma spray processing. RSDT flame based processing can produce fuel cell layers more rapidly than traditional techniques, and with no need for high-temperature sintering steps. RSDT can therefore potentially reduce both the manufacturing cost and capital cost required, as well as the material costs, by allowing the use of inexpensive stainless steel interconnect materials. The technique is also easy to automate and scale up for mass production, thus potentially further lowering cost.
Development of Low Pt loading catalyst layer and Pt alloys for PEM catalyst
The focuses of this program is on an adaptation of the Reactive Spray Deposition Technique for PEM Catalyst layer fabrication. It is now possible to co-deposit an entire low loading (<0.05mg/cm2 Pt) thin film (<0.5-3um) catalyst layer directly from precursors with this approach. The RSDT manufactured catalyst layer has a performance of 1 A/cm2 at 0.6V with 0.05mg/cm2 Pt cathode loading, in H2/O2 with 100 %RH, which is higher than the best low loading sputtered catalyst layers that have been published at 0.1mg/cm2 Pt loading. The broader goal of this program is to investigate the interplay of manufacturing, microstructure and performance for the creation of thinner catalyst layers.
Previous Positions
2004-2010 | Group Leader and Program Manager, National Research Council Canada – Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation Vancouver, Canada |
2001-2004 | Program Manager, nGimat (Formerly known as MicroCoating Technologies), Atlanta, USA |
1996-2001 | Scientist, Japan Fire Ceramics Center (JFCC) |
1995-1996 | Fellow, New Energy Development Organization (NEDO) |
1989-1990 | Researcher, Institute of Technical Science at Serbian Academy of Science |
Awards & Honors
- Appointed by Governor Lamont to be a member of the Board of Directors of Connecticut Innovations, 2020
- Appointed by Governor Lamont to the Eli Whitney Investment Committee, 2020
- Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (FIAAM, Sweden), 2020
- 2020 Women in Business Award, Hartford Business Journal.
- National Academy of Inventors (NAI) Fellow, 2019
- AAAS Fellow, 2019
- Fulbright Chair Professor 2016-2017, Politecnico di Milano, Italy 2017
- National Academy of Inventors, Honorary Member, 2017
- Women of Innovation, Connecticut Technology Council, Winner in Research Category, 2015
- Women of Innovation, Connecticut Technology Council, Finalist in Research Category, 2013, 2014
- Connecticut Quality Improvement Award, Platinum CQIA, Innovation Prize, 2014
- Elected Member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, 2012
- Japan Organization for Promotion of Science, Fellowship, 2012
- Visiting Professor, Tokyo University of Science, Fall 2012
- Innovation Award, National Research Council of Canada, 2009
- Leadership Award, National Research Council of Canada, 2006, 2007 and 2008
- Selected to the National Academy of Engineering 9th Annual Frontiers of Engineering Symposium (September 2003 Irvine, CA) that brings together leading young engineers nominated by fellow engineers
- Best Young Woman Scientist Award, Japan 1996
- Outstanding Young Scientist, Sankai Shinbun Award, Japan 1995
- Best Faculty Paper Award, Kyoto University, Japan, 1994
- Moon, K-S., Dong, H., Maric, R., Pothukuchi, S., Hunt, A., Li, Y.I., Wong, C.P., Thermal behavior of silver nanoparticles for low-temperature interconnect applications, Journal of Electronic Materials (2005), 34(2), 168-175.
- Hui, S.(R.), Roller, J., Yick, S., Zhang, X., Decès-Petit, C., Xie, Y., Maric, R., Ghosh, D., A brief review of the ionic conductivity enhancement for selected oxide electrolytes, Journal of Power Sources (2007), 172(2), 493-502.
- Hui, R., Wang, Z., Kesler, O., Rose, L., Jankovic, J., Yick, S., Maric, R., Ghosh, D., Thermal plasma spraying for SOFCs: Applications, potential advantages, and challenges, Journal of Power Sources (2007), 170(2), 308-323.
- Maric, R., Ohara, S., Fukui, T., Yoshida, H., Nishimura, M., Inagaki, T., Miura, K., Solid oxide fuel cells with doped lanthanum gallate electrolyte and LaSrCoO3 cathode, and Ni-samaria-doped ceria cermet anode, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, (1999), 146(6), 2006-2010.
- Zhang, X., Robertson, M., Deĉes-Petit, C., Qu, W., Kesler, O., Maric, R., Ghosh, D., Internal shorting and fuel loss of a low temperature solid oxide fuel cell with SDC electrolyte, Journal of Power Sources (2007), 164(2), 668-677.
- Zhang, X., Robertson, M., Yick, S., Deĉes-Petit, C., Styles, E., Qu, W., Xie, Y., Hui, R., Roller, J., Kesler, O., Maric, R., Ghosh, D., Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3 + Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 composite cathode for cermet supported thin Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 electrolyte SOFC operating below 600 °C, Journal of Power Sources (2006), 160(2), 1211-1216.
- Zhang, X., Ohara, S., Maric, R., Mukai, K., Fukui, T., Yoshida, H., Nishimura, M., Inagaki, T., Miura, K., Ni-SDC cermet anode for medium-temperature solid oxide fuel cell with lanthanum gallate electrolyte, Journal of Power Sources (1999), 83(1-2), 170-177.
- Hui, S.(R.), Yang, D., Wang, Z., Yick, S., Decès-Petit, C., Qu, W., Tuck, A., Maric, R., Ghosh, D., Metal-supported solid oxide fuel cell operated at 400-600 °C, Journal of Power Sources (2007), 167(2), 336-339.
- Zhang, X., Ohara, S., Maric, R., Okawa, H., Fukui, T., Yoshida, H., Inagaki, T., Miura, K., Interface reactions in the NiO-SDC-LSGM system, Solid State Ionics (2000), 133(3), 153-160.
- Zhang, X., Ohara, S., Okawa, H., Maric, R., Fukui, T., Interactions of a La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O3-δ electrolyte with Fe2O3, Co2O3 and NiO anode materials, Solid State Ionics (2001), 139(1-2), 145-152.
- Yu, H., Davydova, E. Ash, U., Miller, H., Bonville, L., Dekel, D. Maric, R., Palladium-ceria nanocatalyst for hydrogen oxidation in alkaline media: Optimization of the Pd-CeO2 interface, Nano Energy, 57, 820-826 (2019).
- Wang, Y., Wu, Y., Amin, A.S., Kerns, P., Fee, J., He, J., Jin,L., Maric, R., Suib, S., Direct Construction of Mesoporous Metal Sulfides via Reactive Spray Deposition Technology, Advanced Energy Materials, in press, DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.8b02110.
- Yu, H., Bonville, L., Maric, R., Analysis of H2/Air polarization losses of low-platinum-loading cathodes with various I/C ratios and carbon supports, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, in press.
- Baricci, A., Bonanomi, M., Yu, H., Guetaz, L., Casalegno, A., Maric, R., Modelling analysis of low platinum polymer fuel cells degradation under voltage cycling: gradient catalyst layers with improved durability, Journal of Power Sources, in press.
- Yu, H., Danilovic, N., Wang, Y., Maric, R., Nano-size IrOx catalyst of high activity and stability in PEM water electrolyzer with ultra-low iridium loading, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 239, 133-146 (2018).
- Yu, H., Bonville, L., Maric R., Analysis of H2/air polarization curves: The influence of ionomer/carbon ratio and carbon supports on fuel cell catalyst synthesized in reactive spray deposition technology, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 165, F272-F284 (2018).
- Yu, H., Baricci, A., Casalegno, A., Guetaz, L., Bonville, L. and Maric, R,Strategies to mitigate Pt dissolution in low Pt loading proton exchange membrane fuel cell: II. A gradient Pt loading design, Electrochimica Acta, 247, 1169-1179 (2017).
- Yu, H., Baricci, A., Bisello, A., Casalegno, A., Guetaz, L., Bonville, L. and Maric, R,Strategies to mitigate Pt dissolution in low Pt loading proton exchange membrane fuel cell: I. A gradient Pt particle size design, Electrochimica Acta, 247, 1155-1168 (2017).
- Wang, Y., Roller, J., Maric, R., Direct Dry Synthesis of Thin Nanostructured LiNi0.8Co0.2O2 Film for Lithium Ion Micro-battery Cathodes, Electrochimica Acta, in press (2017).
- Wang, Y., Kumar, R., Roller, J., R., Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-crystalline La2Zr2O7 Film by Reactive Spray Deposition Technology for Application in Thermal Barrier Coatings, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1557/adv.2017.154, Published online: 07 February 2017
- Roller, J, Kim S., Kwak T., Yu, H., Maric, R., A study on the effect of selected process parameters in a jet-diffusion flame for Pt nanoparticle formation, Journal of Material Science, in press (2017).
- Wang, Y., Kumar, Roller. J. Maric, R., Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-crystalline La2Zr2O7 Film by Reactive Spray Deposition Technology for Application in Thermal Barrier Coatings, MRS Advances, doi.org/10.1557/adv.2017.154, February (2017).
- Myles, T., Bonville, L., Maric, R., Free Electrolyte Challenges and Solution Pathways in High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells, Catalysts, 7, 1-27 (2017).
- Yu, H., Baricci, A., Casalegno, A., Guetaz, L., Bonville, L, Maric, R., Strategies to mitigate Pt dissolution in low Pt loading proton exchange membrane fuel cell: a gradient Pt loading design supported by TEM and modeling analysis, Electrochimica Acta, in press (2017).
- Yu, H., Baricci, A., Bisello, A., Casalegno, A., Guetaz, L., Bonville, L, Maric, R., Durability improvement of polymer electrolyte fuel cell from low-platinum loading catalyst layer with gradient platinum particle size, submitted to, Journal of The Electrochemical Society (2017).
- Yu, H., Baricci, A., Casalegno, A., Guetaz, L., Maric, R., The influence of carbon support and platinum particle size on the degradation of cathode for low platinum-loading catalyst layer, ECS Transactions, 72, 41-55 (2016).
- Yu, H., Baricci, A., Roller, J, Wang, Y., Casalegno, A., Mustain, W., Maric, R., Ultra-low Pt loading catalyst layers for PEMFC using reactive spray deposition technology. ECS Transactions, 69, 487-496 (2016).
- Jain, R., Lei, Y., Maric, R., Ultra-low NO2detection by gamma WO3 synthesized by Reactive Spray Deposition Technology, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 236, 163-172 (2016).
- , K.E., Renner, J.N., Danilovic, N., Wang, J.X., Zhang, Y., Maric, R., Yu, H., Pathways to ultra-low platinum group metal catalyst loading in proton exchange membrane electrolyzers, Catalysis Today, 261, 121-132 (2016).
- Yu, A., Chen, Z., Maric, R., Zhang, L., Zhang J. & Yan J.,Supercapacitors, Applied Energy, 153, 1-112 (2015).
- Roller, J. M., Maric, R., A Study on Reactive Spray Deposition Technology Processing Parameters in the Context of Pt Nanoparticle Formation, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 24(8), 1529-1541 (2015).
- Yu, ,Baricci, A., Roller, J.M., Wang, Y., Casalegno A., Mustain, W., Maric, R., Ultra-Low Pt Loading Catalyst Layers for PEMFC Using Reactive Spray Deposition Technology, ECS Transactions 69(17), 487-496 (2015).
- Myles, T. D., Kim, S., Mustain, W. & Maric, R., Application of a Coated Film Catalyst Layer Model to a High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell with Low Catalyst Loading Produced by Reactive Spray Deposition Technology, Catalysts, 5, 1673-1691 (2015).
- Kim, S., Myles, T. D., Kunz, H. R., Kwak, D., Wang, Y. & Maric, R., The Effect of Binder Content on the Performance of a High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Produced with Reactive Spray Deposition Technology, Electrochimica Acta, 177, 190-200 (2015).
- Jain, R., Poyraz, A. S., Gamliel, D. P., Valla, J., Suib, S. L., Maric, R., Comparative study for low temperature water gas shift reaction on Pt/ceria catalysts: Role of different ceria supports, Applied Catalysis A: General, 507, 1-13 (2015).
- Myles, T., Kim, S., Maric, R., Performance of a High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell with Low Catalyst Loading Produced by Reactive Spray Deposition Technology, ECS Transactions, 66 (24), 11-17 (2015).
- Zhao, S., Yu, H., Maric, R., Danilovic, N., Capuano, C.B., Ayers, K.E., Mustain, W.E., Calculating the electrochemically active surface area of Iridium oxide in operating proton exchange membrane electrolyzers, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 162 (12), F1292-F1298 (2015).
- Yu, H., Roller, J.M., Mustain, W.E., Maric, R., Influence of ionomer/carbon ratio for low-Pt loading catalyst layer prepared by flame-based reactive spray deposition technology, Journal of Power Sources, 283, 84-94 (2015).
- Roller, M., Yu,H., Vukmirovic, M., Bliznakov, S., Kotula, P. G., Carter, C. B., Adzic, R. & Maric, R., Flame-based synthesis of core-shell structures using Pd-Ru and Pd cores, Electrochimica Acta, 138, 341-352 (2014).
- Roller, M., Renner, J., Yu, H., Capuano, C., Kwak, T., Wang, Y., Carter, C. B., Ayers, K., & Maric,R., Flame-based processing as a practical approach for manufacturing hydrogen evolution electrodes, Journal of Power Sources, 271, 366-376 (2014).
- Yu, H., Roller,J. M., Kim, S., Wang, Y., Kwak, D. & Maric, R., One-step deposition of catalyst layers for high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 161 (5), F622-F627 (2014).
- Jain, R., Wang, Y.& Maric, R., Tuning of WO3 phase transformation and structural modification by reactive spray deposition technology, Journal of Nanotechnology and Smarth Materials, 1, 1-7 (2014).
- Jain, R. & Maric,R., Synthesis of nano-Pt onto ceria support as catalyst for water-gas shift reaction by reactive spray deposition technology, Applied Catalysis A: General, 475, 461-468 (2014).
- Dragan, A., Strutt, P. & Maric, R., Crystallization and microstructure of metastable water quenched nanostructured 8 mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia using the solution precursor plasma spray method, Journal of Materials Science, 49 (8), 3215-3224 (2014).
- Garces, H., Roller, J. M., Kingondu, C. K., Dharmarathna, S., Ristau, R. A., Jain, R., Maric, R. & Suib, S. L., Formation of platinum (Pt) nanocluster coatings on K-OMS-2 manganese oxide membranes by Reactive Spray Deposition Technique (RSDT) for extended stability during CO oxidation, Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science, 4 (1), 23-35 (2014).
- Roller, J. M., Arellano-Jiméneza, J.,Yu, H., Carter, B. & Maric R., Catalyst nanoscale assembly from the vapor phase on corrosion resistant supports, Electrochimica Acta, 107, 632-655 (2013).
- Roller,M., Arellano-Jiméneza,J., Jain, R., Yu, H., Carter, C.B. & Maric, R., Oxygen evolution during water electrolysis from thin films using bimetallic oxides of Ir-Pt and Ir-Ru, Journal Electrochemical Society, 160 (6), F716-F730 (2013).
- Roller,M., Arellano-Jiméneza J., Jain R., Yu H., Maric R. & Carter C.B., Processing, activity and microstructure of oxygen evolution anodes prepared by a dry and direct deposition technique, ECS Transactions, 38 (1), 223-229 (2013).
- Maric, R., Waste to Energy: Kinetic Improvement and Clean-Up of Gases for High Efficient Gasifier and Fuel Cell Integration, Eco Balance2012, 65-71 (2012).
- Roller, J., Orfino, F., Neagu, R. & Maric, R., Supported and unsupported platinum catalysts prepared by the one-step Reactive Spray Deposition Technology (RSDT) method and their oxygen reduction reactivity in acidic media, Journal of Material Science, 47(11), 4604-4601, (2012).
- Maric, R., Roller, J.& Neagu, R., Flame-based technologies and reactive spray deposition technology for low temperature solid oxide fuel cell, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 20 (4), 696-718 (2011).
- Maric, R.,Furusaki, K., Nishijima, D. & Neagu,, Thin film low temperature solid oxide fuel cell (LTSOFC) by Reactive Spray Deposition Technology, RSDT, ECS Trans., 35 (1), 473-481 (2011).
- Nédélec, R., Neagu, R., Uhlenbruck, S., Maric, R., Sebold, D., Buchkremer, H.-P. & Stöver, D., Gas phase deposition of diffusion barriers for metal substrates in solid oxide fuel cells, Surface and Coatings Technology, 205 (16), 3999-4004 (2011).
- Maric, R., Neagu, R., Zhang-Steenwinkel, Y., Van Berkel, F.P.F. & Rietveld, B., Reactive spray deposition technology – An one-step deposition technique for solid oxide fuel cell barrier layers, Journal of Power Sources, 195(24), 8198-8201 (2010).
- Hui, R., Sun, C., Yick, S., Decès-Petit, C., Zhang, X., Maric, R.& Ghosh, D., Ba1-xPrxCo1-yFeyO3-x as cathode materials for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Electrochimica Acta, 55 (16), 4772-4775 (2010).
- Troczynski,& Maric, R., Characterization of porous stainless steel 430 for low temperature SOFC substrates, ECS Transactions, 26 (1), 357-362 (2010).
- Xie, Y., Maric, R., Ghosh, D., Neagu, R., Hsu, C.-S., Zhang, X., Decès-Petit, C. & Robertson, M., Thin film solid oxide fuel cells deposited by spray pyrolysis,Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 7 (2), 0210071-0210076 (2010).
- Neagu, R., Zhang, X., Maric, R. & Roller, J., Characterisation and performance of SOFC components made by reactive spray deposition technology, ECS Transactions, 25(2), 2481-2486 (2009).
- Fatih, K., Neagu, R., Alzate, V., Neburchilov, V., Maric, R. & Haijiang, W.,
Activity of Pt-Sn catalyst prepared by reactive spray deposition technology for ethanol electro-oxidation, ECS Transactions, 25(1), 1177-1183(2009). - Maric, R., Roller, J., Neagu, R., Fatih, K. & Tuck, A., Low Pt loading thin cathode catalyst layer by reactive spray deposition technology, ECS Transactions, 12(1), 59-63 (2008).
- Oberste Berghaus, J., Ghosh, D., Legoux, J.-G., Moreau, C., Hui, R., Decès-Petit, C., Qu, W. & Maric,, Suspension HVOF spraying of reduced temperature solid oxide fuel cell electrolytes, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 17 (5-6), 700-707 (2009).
- Wang, Z., Berghaus, J.O., Yick, S., Decès-Petit, C., Qu, W., Hui, R., Maric, R., Ghosh, D. , Dynamic evaluation of low-temperature metal-supported solid oxide fuel cell oriented to auxiliary power units, Journal of Power Sources, 176(1), 90-95 (2008).
- Zhang, X., Robertson, M., Decès-Petit, C., Xie, Y., Hui, R., Qu, W., Kesler, O., Maric R.& Ghosh, D., Solid oxide fuel cells with bi-layered electrolyte structure, Journal of Power Sources, 175 (2), 800-805 (2008).
- Xie, Y., Zhang, X., Robertson, M., Maric, R.& Ghosh, D., Mechanical strength and interface adhesion of a solid oxide fuel cell with doped ceria electrolyte, Materials Science Forum, 539-543 (2), 1421-1426 (2007).
- Zhang, X., Kesler, O., Maric, R., Ghosh, D., Déces-Petit, C., Yick, S., Robertson & M., Roller, J., A study on Co and Cu oxides as sintering aids for Sm0.2Ce 0.8O1.9 electrolyte, Materials Science Forum, 539-543(2), 1391-1396 (2007).
- Hui, R., Yang, D., Wang, Z., Yick, S., Decès-Petit, C., Qu, W., Tuck, A., Maric, R. & Ghosh, D., Metal-supported solid oxide fuel cell operated at 400-600°C, ECS Transactions, 7 (1), 763-769 (2007).
- Decès-Petit, C., Zhang, X. & Maric, R., Effect of sintering aids on the formation of zirconia-ceria solid solution, ECS Transactions, 7 (1), 2277-2282 (2007).
- Hui, R., Wang, Z., Yick, S., Maric, R. & Ghosh, D., Fabrication of ceramic films for solid oxide fuel cells via slurry spin coating technique,Journal of Power Sources, 172 (2), 840-844 (2007).
- Hui, S.(R.), Roller, J., Yick, S., Zhang, X., Decès-Petit, C., Xie, Y., Maric, R.& Ghosh, D., A brief review of the ionic conductivity enhancement for selected oxide electrolytes, Journal of Power Sources, 172 (2), 493-502 (2007).
- Hui, R., Wang, Z., Kesler, O., Rose, L., Jankovic, J., Yick, S., Maric, R.& Ghosh, D., Thermal plasma spraying for SOFCs: Applications, potential advantages and challenges, Journal of Power Sources, 170 (2), 308-323 (2007).
- Wang, Z., Ghosh, D., Hui, R., Bogdanovic, N., Tang, Z., Yick, S., Xie, Y. & Maric, R., Plasma spray synthesis of ultra-fine YSZ powder,Journal of Power Sources, 170 (1), 145-149 (2007).
- Hui, S.(R.), Yang, D., Wang, Z., Yick, S., Decès-Petit, C., Qu, W., Tuck, A., Maric, R. & Ghosh, D., Metal-supported solid oxide fuel cell operated at 400-600 °C, Journal of Power Sources, 167(2), 336-339 (2007).
- Zhang, X., Robertson, M., Deces-Petit, C., Qu, W., Kesler, O., Maric, R. & Ghosh, D., Internal shorting and fuel loss of a low temperature solid oxide fuel cell with SDC electrolyte, Journal of Power Sources, 164(2), 668-677 (2007).
- Yang, D., Zhang, X., Nikumb, S., Decès-Petit, C., Hui, R., Maric, R. & Ghosh, D., Low temperature solid oxide fuel cells with pulsed laser deposited bi-layer electrolyte, Journal of Power Sources, 164(1), 182-188 (2007).
- Zhang, X., Decès-Petit, C., Yick, S., Robertson, M., Kesler, O., Maric, R., Ghosh, D., A study on sintering aids for Sm2Ce0.8O1.9 electrolyte, Journal of Power Sources, 162 (1), 480-485 (2006).
- Xie, Y., Zhang, X., Robertson, M., Maric, R.& Ghosh, D., Measurement of the interface adhesion of solid oxide fuel cells by indentation, Journal of Power Sources, 162 (1), 436-443 (2006).
- Hui, R., Sakata, K., Kenji, M., Maric, R., Decès-Petit, C., Styles, E., Qu, W. & Ghosh, D., Proton conduction in ceria-doped Ba2In2O5 nanocrystalline ceramic at low temperature,Journal of Power Sources, 161 (1), 40-46 (2006).
- Zhang, X., Maric, R., Ghosh, D., Robertson, M., Decès-Petit, C., Xie, Y., Hui, R. & Kesler, O., NiO-YSZ cermets supported low temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources, 161(1), 301-307 (2006).
- Zhang, X., Kesler, O., Maric, R., Ghosh, D., Robertson, M., Yick, S., Deces-Petit, C. & Roller, J., Sm0.5Sr0.5CoO3 + Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 composite cathode for cermet supported thin Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 electrolyte SOFC operating below 600 °C, Journal of Power Sources, 160 (2), 1211-1216 (2006).
- Maric, R., Deces-Petit, C., Hui, R., Zhang, X., Ghosh, D., Sakata, K. & Kenji, M., Preparation and characterization of nanocrystalline Ba2In 2-xMxO5-x (M=Ce, Zr),Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 153 (8), A1505-A1510 (2006).
- Hui, S. R., Roller, J., Zhang, X., Decès-Petit, C., Xie, Y., Maric, R. & Ghosh, D.,
Various approaches to enhance the ionic conductivity for selected oxide electrolytes,ECS Meeting Abstracts, 1078 (2005). - Zhang, X., Maric, R., Ghosh, D., Robertson, M., Decès-Petit, C., Xie, Y., Hui, R. & Roller, J., “Ni-YSZ cermet supported thin ceria-based electrolyte solid oxide fuel cell for reduced temperature operation,” ESC Meeting Abstracts, 1072 (2005).
- Decès-Petit, C., Zhang, X., Styles, E., Maric, R., Roller, J. & Ghosh, D., Characterization of low-temperature proton-conducting ceramics for hydrogen pumping applications,Proceedings – Electrochemical Society, PV 2005-07, 1165-1171 (2005).
- Zhang, X. & Maric, R., Ghosh, D., Robertson, M., Decès-Petit, C., Xie, Y., Hui, R., Roller, J, Ni-YSZ cermet supported thin ceria-based electrolyte solid oxide fuel cell for reduced temperature (500-600°C) operation, (2005) Proceedings – Electrochemical Society, PV 2005-07, 1102-1109(2005).
- Decès-Petit, C., Zhange, X., Styles, E., Maric, R., Roller, J. & Ghosh, D.,
Characterization of low temperature proton conducting ceramics for hydrogen pumping applications, ECS Meeting Abstracts, 1100-1102 (2005). - Zhang, X., Maric, R., Ohara, S. & Fukui, T., “Influence of interfacial reaction on electrode performance and ohmic losses,” Proceedings – Electrochemical Society, PV 2005-07, 595-602 (2005).
- Zhang, X., Ohara, S., Maric, R.& Fukui, T., Influence of interfacial reaction on electrode performance and ohmic losses, ECS Meeting Abstracts, 1221-1229 (2005).
- Moon, K. S., Dong, H., Maric, R., Pothukuchi, S., Hunt, A., Li, Y. I. & Wong, C. P., Thermal behavior of silver nanoparticles for low-temperature interconnect applications, Journal of Electronic Materials, 34(2), 168-175 (2005).
- Maric, R., Oljaca, M., Vukasinovic, B. & Hunt, A.T., Synthesis of oxide nanopowders in nanoSpraySM diffusion flames,Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 19 (6), 1143-1156 (2004).
- Milosevic, O., Mancic, L., Jordovic, B., Maric, R., Ohara, S. & Fukui, T.
, Processing of Gd2O3: Eu phosphor particles through aerosol route,
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 143-144 (1), 501-505 (2003). - Maric, R., Seward, S., Faguy, P. W. & Oljaca, M., Electrolyte materials for intermediate temperature fuel cells produced via combustion chemical vapor condensation, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters,6 (5), A91-A95 (2003).
- Oljaca, M., Maric,, Shanmugham, S. & Hunt, A.T., Nanomaterials for solid oxide fuel cells, American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 82 (1), 38-40 (2003).
- Zhang, X., Ohara, S., Okawa, H., Maric, R. & Fukui, T., Interactions of a La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O3 electrolyte with Fe2O3, Co2O3 and NiOanode materials, Solid State Ionics, 139 (1-2), 145-152 (2001).
- Zhang, X., Ohara, S., Maric, R., Okawa, H., Fukui, T., Yoshida, H., Inagaki, T. & Miura, K., Interface reactions in the NiO-SDC-LSGM system,Solid State Ionics, 133 (3), 153-160 (2000).
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radenka.maric@uconn.edu | |
Phone | 860-486-3621 860-486-3619 |
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